MakeUp Eraser Melon Set - Daría

MakeUp Eraser Melon Set

Verð áður4.890 kr

Til á lager í netverslun og verslun okkar Verslunarmiðstöðin Fjörður, Hafnarfirði

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MakeUp Eraser Melon Set
Verslunarmiðstöðin Fjörður, Hafnarfirði

Pickup available, tilbúið til afhendingar og í póstsendingar

Fjarðargata 13-15
220 Hafnarfjörður


A 3 pack mini MakeUp Eraser set. One orange for your lips, one green for your face and one pink for your eyes.

Remove smear-proof, waterproof makeup and mascara with The Original MakeUp Eraser®. Free of chemicals, this makeup remover gets rid of all types of makeup, including stage, sports, and theatrical makeup. Each cloth will last a thousand washes, and you only need to add water and then remove makeup. This ultra-soft, woven polyester-blend cloth gets rid of tough makeup without leaving behind a residue—just a fresh, healthy feeling.

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